Saturday, November 10, 2012


Trekkers walking near Everest view hotel.

              The Everest region or Khumbu region of Nepal is one of the best-know treks in the world. This is the land of the Sherpa people and the world’s great 8848 meter peaks. Famous for its spectacular mountain peaks and the loyalty and friendliness of its inhabitants is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in Nepal. While many of the routes through the mountains are arduous, there are ample places to rest and enjoy a meal along the way. Furthermore, don’t worry about getting lost. Just ask a local the way to the next village on your route, and they will direct you. Most Sherpas under the age of fifty can at least understand basic English, and many speak it fluently.
While trekking is possible in this area the whole year round, the best times to visit are from the beginning of March to mid May and from the beginning of September to mid November. The winters are very cold and snow may make it difficult to travel higher than Tengboche, and also lodges may be closed above this altitude. Summers, on the other hand, are wet, and the spectacular peaks are often lost in the clouds. April and early May is a good time to see the hedgerows and trees bursting into bloom, with Rhododendrons, in particular, adding a spectacular splash of color to the landscape. The views are much better after the summer monsoons have cleared the atmosphere of dust, but the days are shorter and cooler.


 This trek is one of the lifetime adventures trips that begins with an “eye opening” flight to Lukla at 2800 meters and passes through the picturesque Sherpa village of Namche Bazaar to Gorakshep culminating in the “ascent” of Kala Pattar (5500 m) from where we can enjoy a spectacular views of the mesmerizing peaks of Mt. Everest, Mt. Ama Dablam, Mt Pumori, Mt. Thamserku, Mt Nuptse , Mt. Lhotse and many other snow-clad peaks.
The Everest region has gained its popularity for trekking, mountaineering, peak climbing and expedition. Among the major destinations of trekking in Nepal, Everest region stood second despite poor accessibility. It is more expensive and difficult to get Solu Khumbu than to the Annapurna region. One must either walk for a week or fly to Lukla to get near Everest. The number of trekkers to Everest has increased dramatically because of the publicity the mountain has received from several sources. Solu Khumbu is famous not only for its proximity to the world’s highest mountain, Mt. Everest (8848m.), but also for its Sherpa villages and age-old monasteries and local culture. The primary goal of trekking in Everest region is stepping at least the Everest Base Camp (5340m.) or Everest view point kalapattar (5545m)..

Trip profile:

Trekking destination: Everest Base Camp /Kalapattar
Lenth of trip: 18 Days in Nepal
Grade: Moderate
Highest alt: 5545m.
Type of trek: Tea house Trek / Camping Trek
Best season: Oct-Nov-Dec / Mar-April-May


Day 01: Arrival in kathmandu then transfer to hotel.
Day 02: Visit Patan Durbar Square and Boudhanath and other temples.
Day 03:Fly Kathmandu to Lukla (2849m) & trek to Phakding (2610m.)
Day 04 Trek to Namche (3440m)
Day 05 Rest Day + visit Khumjung and Kunde(3800m),the green valley and back to Namche(acclimatization day)
Day 06: Trek to Tangboche (3960m.)
Day 07:Trek to Dingboche (4410m)
Day 08: Rest day at Dingboche.
Day 09: Trek to Lobuche (4910m)
Day 10: Trek to Gorakshep (5165m)
Day 11: Ascend to Kalapattar (5545m) in the morning and Everest base camp in the day time
Day 12: Trek to Pheriche
Day 13: Trek to Dibuche
Day 14: Trek to Namche (3440m)
Day 15: Trek to Lukla
Day 16: Fly back to Kathmandu then transfer to hotel
Day 17: KTM city sightseeing and shopping
Day 18: Final Departure to your own destination
Note: Itinerary can be changed as per clients’ wish


                     Gokyo ri, Gokyo Peak 5357m above sea level is a peak in the Khumbu region of the Nepal Himalayas. It is located on the west side of the Ngozumpa Glacier, which is the largest glacier in Nepal, and reputed to be the largest in the whole Himalayas. Gokyo 4750 m, above sea level at the base of Gokyo Ri, is a small hamlet of a few stone houses and one of the highest settlements in the world.

 From Gokyo Ri it is possible to see five 8,000 meter peaks – Mount Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, Kangchenjunga, and Cho Oyu. The Gokyo Lakes are in the area. The Gokyo trek is a fairly popular trekking route. The route itself ends at Gokyo Ri, and trekkers typically turn around at this point and retrace their steps back to the trailhead.
Trekking around Gokyo valley is considered a traditional trek that offers wonderful views of beautiful Mountian in Nepal’s Himalayas range. The image of this region is associated with the soaring views of the most popular mountains in Nepal. One of the most remarkable features is the views of the wonderful ice point between Cho Oyu and Gyachung (2922m) located in Khumbu region. After a half an hour flight from Kathmandu to Lukla airstrip, the adventure really begins.  Everything is prepared in conjunction guides. Along the trek we will pass Buddhist monasteries with the views of Top of the world Everest, Home land of Sherpa and other snow towering mountains getting closer. We will have rest days in the villages of Namche bazaar that will allow us to explore the region and acclimatize, which is very important. After trekking to Gokyo Ri (5483 meters), we return at a leisurely pace back to Namche and Lukla for our flight back to Kathmandu.

Trip profile:-

Trek Destination: Everest – Gokyo ri
Length of trip: 20 days
Grade: Strenuous
Highest Alt: 5460 m
Type of trek: Tea house
Best season: Mar- Nov


Day 01- Arrive at Kathmandu & Transfer to Hotel
Day 02- Sight seen in Kathmandu Valley.
Day 03- Fly to Lukls &trek to Phakding
Day 04- Trek to Namche Bazaar (3441 meters)
Day 05- Rest in Namche and Explore Sherpa valley.
Day 06- Trek to Phorste Thenga.
Day 07- Trek to Machherma.
Day 08- Trek to Gokyo (4790 meters)
Day 09- Trek to Gokyo Ri (5483 meters) and then Back to Gokyo.
Day 10- Trek to Thangna
Day 11- Cross Cho La pass (5300 meters) trek to Dzongla (4710 meters)
Day 12- Trek to Lobuche (4910 meters).
Day 13- Trek to Gorak Shep (5180 meters).
Day 14- Trek to Everest Base Camp (5365 meters) or Kalapathar (5500m)  then back to Gorakshep
Day 15- Trek to Pheriche
Day 16- Trek to Tengboche
Day 17- Trek to Namche
Day 18 & 19- Trek to Lukla
Day 20- Fly back to KTM


Yak having lunch near Syangboche Photo by Temba
                   This is the route first used by the early expedition team to climb Everest from the Nepalese side. Starting from Jiri the route passes through the Sherpa villages of Dolakha and Solu Khumbu, many of them having beautiful Buddhist monasteries. The height gain is gradual making it easier to acclimatize. After a rest day in Namche Bazaar, the Sherpa capital, the trail continues to famous Tangboche Monastery. Its setting encircled by giant mountains has been called one of the most beautiful places on earth. The aim of this trek is to see Himalayan Shangri-la and reach kalapattar / Everest Base camp ,from where the southwest face of Everest can be clearly seen. The return trek leads to Lukla for the flight back to Kathmandu. Everest -Jiri Trek, although relatively easy compared to some of other treks, takes you up high along trails to Tengboche Monastery (3850m). This is a short trek but very scenic trek offers really superb view of the world highest peaks, including Everest, Lhotse, Thamserku, Ama Dablam and other many snowy peaks.
On the way we passes many small typical villages where we can have chance to see their local culture and life style. This traditional route to the Everest Base Camp follows the footprints of Hillary and tensing Norgay, who first climbed the Mt. Everest. The trek has some different fascination, one of the foremost is the satisfaction gained by reaching the base of the highest mountain in the world. Other attractions include the spectacular scenery of the Himalayan ranges. There is tremendous amount of uphill and downhill walking.

Trip profile:

Trekking Destination: Jiri-Everest
Length of trip: 22 days
Grade: Strenuous
Highest Alt: 5550 m
Type of trek: Tea house/ Camping
Best season: Mar- Nov


Day 01 : Trek to Shivalaya, 5 hrs
Day 02 : Trek to Bhandar (2040 m)
Day 03 : Trek to Sete (2575 m)
Day 04 : Trek to Thame
Day 05 : Trek to Junbesi (2675 m)
Day 06 : Trek to Nuntala (2310 m)
Day 07 : Trek to Bapsa (2310 m)
Day 08 : Trek to Ghat (2490 m)
Day 09 : Trek to Namche (3440 m)
Day 10 : Trek to Thame (3493 m)
Day 11 : Trek to Khunde (3840 m)
Day 12 : Trek to Tengboche (3860 m)
Day 13 : Trek to Dingboche (4410 m)
Day 14 : Trek to Chhukung (4730 m)
Day 15 : Trek to Lobuche (4910 m)
Day 16 : Trek to Kalapathar (5550 m) to Gorakshep (5140 m)
Day 17 : Trek to Everest Base Camp (5400 m) to Lobuche (4910 m)
Day 18 : Trek to Pheriche (4270 m)
Day 19 : Trek to Tengboche (3860 m)
Day 20 : Trek to Namche (3440 m)
Day 21 : Trek to Lukla (2840 m)
Day 22 : Fly back to Kathmandu

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m/whatsapp: +44-07-387224470 (Rojita)
m/whatsapp: +43-664-1044031 (Josef)
m/whatsapp: +39-347-4439287 (Davide)

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